Homemade no Time - Light Food Recipes【電子書籍】[ Stole Zafirow ]

<p><strong>INTRODUCTION</strong></p> <p>Welcome to the start of the best days of your life. A no-nonsense to the point cookbook is exactly what you need to feel like a health food master-chef. Herein lies a compilation of recipes that are both nutritious and delicious and not hard to achieve at all.<br /> All the bases have been covered: meat, fish, vegetables, salads and desserts, you name it. Whether you're a novice or a kitchen connoisseur, these recipes will be perfect for you. They don't require all that fancy equipment you see on television, and don't take hours standing by the stove-top.<br /> These aren't your everyday run of the mill recipes either. Simple doesn't always have to mean bland, this cookbook probably contains a few things you've never even heard of before or knew existed.<br /> Craving healthy food isn't always easy, but it starts with the desire to live and be better. Purchasing organic produce is a step in the right direction. The recipes contained in this book represent another step towards embracing healthy food and the positive effects it will bring to your health and healing. So, if you want to eat your way to better skin, more energy, low risk of disease and happiness, please read on. Let's get started.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:650円
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